Key Values is a place where engineering teams describe their culture, and where engineers come to discover, learn about, and connect with the teams that share their values.
If you'd like to meet engineers who are aligned with your team's values (examples), the first step is to send me (Lynne 👋) an email at with the information below. I'll then get back to you about step two: profile creation and subscription.
Your email must include:
Key Values provides a way for your team to share its unique culture with engineers looking for more than just a job. Engineers are contacted about new opportunities all the time, but with no information about who they'll be working with, what their day-to-day will look like, or whether their personal goals are aligned with company's. There are great engineers wondering if a team like yours even exists right now.
In addition to getting in front of hundreds of engineers searching for a team like yours, creating a profile will help you articulate what values define your team and evaluate how well these values are translating into daily practices and operations. Lastly, having a profile will make initial conversations with candidates more meaningful, informative, and efficient because they've already identified their beliefs and behaviors as being in alignment with your team's.
Engineers can learn a new stack, but they can't learn to love a company where they don't fit in.
Yes, as long as the following criteria are met:
It doesn't matter if you've bootstrapped or if you've raised money. You can be a one-person operation or a full-blown company with lots of employees. As long as you're excited about sharing your team's key values, you can create a profile.